Thursday, November 6, 2008

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

For anyone that doesn't know, I work in a grocery store. It's a lame job but hey it's a paycheck. I don't work on weekends and Halloween this year landed on Friday October 31st. As you could guess, we had displays of Halloween candy, pumpkins, and all sorts of various Halloween decorations scattered all over the store. This makes perfect sense, nothing is out of line with this picture by any means.

Well the weekend comes and goes and I come back to work on Monday November 3rd to the sound of Christmas songs. That's right, we're only in the first week of November and my store is already playing an assorted amount of Christmas tunes inside the store. I guess I must have missed the memo that said Christmas is now 2 months long and starts immediately after Halloween. Let me tell you, there was nothing more bizarre than tearing down Halloween decorations while listening to "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" when it was 70 degrees outside on Monday.

I wish that would be all I have to complain about but no, not only are we playing Christmas songs but we're also skipping any sort of Thanksgiving decorations. In past years I remember we'd have Thanksgiving decorations to put up for the month. This year we're moving right onto hanging up icicle lights, Christmas reefs, and setting up Christmas trees. Oh boy, nothing gets you more into the jolly Christmas spirit than standing way up on a flimsy ladder hanging cheap icicle lights on as many parts of the store as humanly possible.

To complete this Christmas story, my store decided poured salt into the wound by bringing in pallets of sidewalk salt yesterday. So not only do we have Christmas songs and decorations everywhere but now we have sidewalk salt for your driveway for when it starts snowing like crazy.

As for me, I'm not ready for Christmas. I would much rather think about turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn bread, pumpkin pie and all the things I'm thankful for right now. The last thing I want on my mind right now is cold snowy winters where I have to drive to various malls and stores buying presents for family and friends. So thank you work and Merry Christmas everyone!

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